Continously transposed conductor
Enamelled wire
Paper covered wire
Photovoltaic solar
Glass fiber winding
wire / film sintering wire
Thin firm covered aluminum transposed wire

Product Category

About Us

Wuxi Xizhou Magnet Wire Co., Ltd. was established in early 2004 and is located in No. 231-5, Chengnan Road, High-tech Development Zone, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China. It is the holding company of Zhongchao Cable Co., Ltd. (stock code 002471). The company specializes in the research, development and manufacture of copper conductors in the electrical and power industry. It can produce 28,000 tons of magnet wires and photovoltaic copper strips annually.


Quality assurance

Over the years, the company's high quality products have been trusted and supported by the vast number of users. Our enameled flat wire and continuously transposed wire have a great influence in the industry. High quality magnet wires are exported to overseas markets.

Technology innovation

Through introducing talents and self-cultivation, We have established a professional technical team. The company has established Jiangsu Provincial Enterprise Technology Center composed of experts from Shenyang Transformer Research Institute, Shanghai Cable Research Institute, Dalian Jiaotong University and Harbin University of Technology.

Intimate after-sales service

Our company has established rapid-response after sale service teams, there is no worry for you.



 On February 11, 2018, Wuxi xizhou macnet wiresco., LTD....


2017 on May 31 to June 10, the company in order to streng...


The quickening pace of our modern industrial construction...


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